Chad Bruce

Chad Bruce

Mar 27, 2019Richard Smith


2023 Goals: My goal for this year to reach my potential at the 100 mile distance. I'm starting the year with some faster races (Avalon 50, Ventura Marathon & the Leona Divide 50k) and then I'll be running three 100 mile races (San Diego 100, Angeles Crest 100 & the Javelina 100). I've run five 100 mile races but haven't really nailed one yet, hopefully 2023 will be that year!
Favorite Part of being a Fluid Athlete: I love the family atmosphere of team FLUID and the FLUID products are amazing! I use the FLUID Protein (Chocolate & Vanilla), Performance (Fresh Citrus & Blueberry Pomegranate) and Recovery (Mint Chocolate & Chocolate) all the time.
Valuable Lesson Learned: The most important thing I've learned from running long races is patience. It doesn't come naturally to me but I've learned to hold back for the first half of races so I can finish hard while others are slowing down.

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