No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Bites with Coconut.

Recipe: No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Bites

May 07, 2020Kayja Mann

A huge thank you to all of you essential workers, nurses, doctors, and everyone on the front line! We are very grateful for all that you are doing and helping us get through this global pandemic. Over at Fluid we are all staying healthy and safe and continuing to take everything one day at a time. 

As the sun comes out, weather warms up and the days get longer, I know I am itching to get out of the house at any chance I get. For cyclists, runners, and outdoor enthusiasts that means we are ready for some adventure. As a cyclist and runner myself, I know how important it is to have quick satiating snacks to fuel my adventures, and, for me, my snacks always have to somehow incorporate peanut butter. After figuring out the perfect ratios and testing these easy, no-bake, energy bites, I figured it was time to share this healthy recipe that is perfect for an adventure of any kind. This recipe includes healthy fats for sustained energy, carbohydrates for instant fuel, good fiber, and protein from Fluid’s Chocolate Recovery (or our Vegan Cinnamon Vanilla Recovery). Whether your adventure takes you to a trail through the mountains with miles of switchbacks or a coming up with the next solution at work, these energy bites will fuel you. 

Benefits of Energy Bites

Healthy fats:

I have incorporated healthy fats into this recipe by adding ingredients such as creamy peanut butter (or any nut butter of your choosing), flax meal, and coconut flakes. Flax meal is the perfect addition because it is high in omega-3’s. 


Of course, carbs are very important for training because they give you the energy you need to smash your workouts and training sessions. In this recipe, I used gluten-free rolled oats which give you lasting energy. Dates are another great source of carbs because they have a low glycemic index due to their fiber content which slows down the sugar absorption. They help with post-workout recovery because of their high potassium content and have a delicious caramel flavor, so it’s a win-win! 


Time: 10-30 mins

Makes about 10 balls, depends on how big you make them 

Dietary preferences: gluten-free (vegan, if you use Fluid Vanilla Recovery)


  • 1.5 cup (gluten-free) rolled oats
  • 8 dates
  • 4 Tbsp creamy peanut butter (or any nut butter)
  • 4 Tbsp almond milk
  • 2 Tbsp maple syrup
  • 2 Tbsp flax meal
  • 2 scoops Fluid Chocolate Recovery or Fluid Vanilla Recovery (Vegan)*
  • Dash of vanilla extract
  • Few shakes of cinnamon
  • Optional: a dash of cayenne for a little spice!
  • Another option: add chocolate chips into the bowl with blended contents. 
  • Topping: coconut shreds (finely shredded)

*if you still want the chocolate flavor but choose to use the Vanilla Recovery you can add cacao powder. 


  1. Blend 1 ¼ cups of the rolled oats, dates, vanilla, flax meal, maple syrup, and almond milk until desired consistency. To give the bites more texture, I added the other ¼ cup of rolled oats at the end without blending them.
  2. Scoop all of the contents from the blender into a bowl and mix in the peanut butter, Fluid Chocolate Recovery (or Fluid Vanilla Recovery), cinnamon, and a dash of cayenne if you want a little spice!
  3. Pour coconut flakes onto a plate
  4. Grab a spoon and scoop mixture into your hand and roll into balls.
  5. Roll energy bites on the plate of coconut flakes until fully coated.
  6. Put energy bites in a container and put them in the refrigerator to harden. I also put some in the freezer for a cold snack. 

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