We were scrolling through Instagram the other day, and started noticing how many awesome memories people are sharing with #livefluid. It’s always been our go-to hashtag, but we’re constantly impressed, honored, and thankful to have such an active and passionate community. We decided to take some of our favorites and immortalize them in the blog. Keep ’em coming, Fluid Family!
- @eliseswinter No better way to start a Monday… #findfaster #livefluid #swimmer #triathlete
- @runaissancewoman DONE!!
What you can’t see, thanks to sunglasses, is that I’m a crying, snotty mess. The last 4 miles were so hard and I just fell apart, sobbing when I reached my parking lot because I made it and I just couldn’t believe it. Now….it’s taper time. See you soon, CIM!
- @jlvelocycling Good luck to @redgirlsays as she heads down to Borrego Springs, California to compete in the RAM 6-12-24 Hour World Championship Time Trial! She’ll be in the pain cave for six hours against some of the country’s leading endurance athletes. Crush it! Photo
@craigsclicks #everythingjlvelo #jlveloracing #livefluid #guforit #teamzealios #lezyne #freewheelbikeshop #timetrial #aero #womencyclists #womenridebikes
- @kaori_fun Wishing I were riding in the mountains… good views, good times. This one was 2 yrs ago at @endurancecubed Altitude Training Camp in Wyoming
#reminiscing #teamE3 #TeamE3WillBeReunitedSoon #livefluid @fluidnutrition #morrobaytri #dowork
- @raleighrunnergirl It’s been years since I’ve run a road half marathon. This past weekend I was offered a last minute opportunity to run one. The only problem- I wasn’t trained. Well, I ran hard and hope to use it as a baseline for my next race… #livefluid
- @run_konz There are 486mi of the Colorado Trail (CT), I am just scratching the surface! #dirtbagrunners #fluidnutrition #swiftwick #vfuel #teamvfuel #chaseadventure #livefluid #coloradotrail #CT
- @endurancecubed Team @endurancecubed is ready to GO! Joe & Jack O’Connor + Coach K
#IMBarcelona #ironman #endurancecubed
- @pblarz We out here working off that hopscotch hangover. Come up to @runologie every Sunday at 11am to run those demons off you sinners. Then get some @fluidnutrition in ya for hydration and recovery.
- @redgirlsays #braiddopingPhoto
@markdawsonstudio #everythingjlvelo #livefluid #guforit #teamzealios #girocycling #girodisanfrancisco
- @morrobaytri Have you tried @fluidnutrition products? We’ll have Fluid Nutrition Performance on course at our aid station @ Morro Bay Tri! If you haven’t tried it, go do that now. We don’t want to try anything new on race day…
#LiveFluid #RockTheTri [Pictured: FLUID Recovery – Berry Treasure]
- @justmejuhi Pretty much sums up my day #hotternhell100 #texas #cycling #crankfest #girlswhoride #century #lifetimecycle #vanderkitten #vkvip #livefluid #feedthedream #lifepoints
- @toughnessgroove @fluidnutrition has me ready to run Richmond #richmondready #livefluid